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Think Positive Thoughts: Positivity for a Healthy Life

They say there are two types of people—those who see the glass half empty, and others who see the glass half full. Which one are you?

Not only is keeping on the positive side of things a good habit, it’s also a key to both your health and happiness. We all have our days, but there are some tips and tricks to make sure you’re living a positive life. Check out these ways to make sure positivity is top of mind.

Note Your Habits
A grumble here, a loud sigh there. There are little things throughout the day that might cause anybody to take the pessimistic path. Next time you let out that sigh, think about what it was that provoked the sigh. Maybe it’s because you’re tired of a certain activity, or it could be because you’re tired. Once you know what it is that causes your positive thoughts to disappear, you can take steps to make them stick around.

Make Small Changes
No, Rome wasn’t built in a day. And changing a habit never comes easily. Start small and celebrate the little victories. If something is causing you to be down in the dumps, take a small step to make sure you’re changing it. Remind yourself that change doesn’t happen overnight.

Focus on the Positive
Have you ever met those people who can see a positive to every single situation? Sure, if you aren’t one of them it can seem annoying. But those people are doing something right! Simply choosing to focus on a positive aspect of a situation can completely change your tune.

Can’t find a positive? Take your mind off of the situation completely by doing something you love. When you’re doing things that are productive and that you enjoy, positive vibes are sure to follow.

Discover Your Mantra
We’re human, so we all need a little reminding to keep a positive outlook. Pick a quote, develop a saying or make your own mantra that reminds you to stay optimistic. Then, write it down and put it in a place where you’ll be reminded—maybe that’s a note on your phone or a post-it note that you’ve placed on a bathroom mirror.

It doesn’t matter where you put it or how you write it down; what matters is that you learn to embrace it and say it often. Now that you have a mantra, it’s time to get out there and live it.